Wednesday, 3 February 2010

shot types

in our piece we want to include as many different shot types that we can without losing the tension in our thriller. At the moment we are using:

-an establishing shot
at the beggining to show that it is late at night and an odd time for a letter to be delivered. if we filmed it in the day the letter being delivered wouldnt be suspicious because you would just assume it is the post man.
-close up
we have alot of close ups in our piece because its how we are showing the killers actions without giving away who the killer is. we have a close up of the killer opening a door,posting a letter, etc

-match on action
we are having match on action of when the letter is posted from the outside and being delivered on the inside

-point of view shot
we have a few point of view shots like when the girl looks out the letter box to see if any one is there and when the killer looks through a crack in a door watching the girl reading

-tracking shot
we may have a tracking shot when the killer is walking up the stairs

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